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AI Front Office for Professional Services

Bitskout is a software platform that helps accounting, legal, and other professional services firms double their bandwidth without hiring extra headcount by managing client requests, customer onboarding and information intake.

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Professional Services Teams Suffer from Meaningless Tasks

Lots of noise

Partners end up with blown-up calendars for free consultations with leads that are not a fit. 

Chasing Information

Constant email back-and-forth, manual validation of the submitted data end up eating a lot of time that impact profitability.

Last Minute Requests

Occurs when clients delay sending necessary documents until just before deadlines, such as tax filing dates or financial reporting periods.

Introducing AI Front Office to Manage Client Queries

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leads in


Route leads from your website or other channels based on the their business, details, and requested services to a relevant partner.

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clients IN


Supercharge client onboarding with real-time information validation and checklist generation.

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Collect information in real-time

Use AI Agents to manage client information intake allowing your clients provide accurate information on time.

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follow up


Analyse uploaded and generate follow up questions in real-time based on the provided data.


Time saved / client / month

3 min

Average Analysis Time


team bandwidth increase

10 min

Time to process 24 month of data



Learns from your website

Bitskout AI agents learn from your data sources like your website, your CRM, document sources, and tools like Quickbooks to provide as accurate and fast responses as possible.

Knows standard workflows

AI agents know how to reconcile invoices, bank transactions, and ledger entries, and compare information from multiple sources. Moreover, agents understand connections between data leading to better response accuracy.

Email, Chat, Automations

Bitskout AI agents can work via email, chat in Slack or Teams, or even be a part of your existing automation workflows in Power Automate,, or Zapier. 

White-glove Services

We help you deploy, install, and maintain all AI agents without allocating IT and technical resources. After initial setup, agents can be updated or fine-tuned via simple email or chat requests.

Delight Your Clients and
Minimize Useless Work

Reduce stress and elevate your practice to the next level with the help of AI.

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